
LauraMarie Coleman

LauraMarie Coleman is a Eureka Math Implementation Success Specialist. She was formerly special education teacher and instructional coach at Broome Tioga BOCES in Binghamton, NY.

LauraMarie Coleman

Trusting in the Process: The Transition to High-Quality Curriculum

This Month’s Focus The importance of high-quality curriculum is no secret. A 2015 study conducted by the Center for American Progress found that...

Making Math Accessible with Eureka Math²

Greater student access to rigorous math content is a hallmark of the Eureka Math2™ curriculum. Supports for accessibility were not simply tacked on...

Q&A from Background Knowledge and Reading Comprehension Webinar

The Great Minds® Educators Engage webinar “Research Spotlight: The Relationship Between Background Knowledge and Reading Comprehension” included a...

Educators Wept with Joy at English Language Arts Achievement Gains

When the principal of Clayton Elementary School in this Denver suburb announced English language arts state test scores in late spring 2021, she and...

What's Next: Eureka Math²

From my days as a teacher in New York State, I remember the excitement that came with the launch of EngageNY Math/Eureka Math® curriculum. It was...

COVID-19 Modifications in a Student-Driven Classroom

PhD Science® is an immersive curriculum that allows students to “dig in” with hands-on experience as they conduct scientific investigations and build...

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