
Lynne Munson

Lynne Munson is the founder and CEO of Great Minds.

Lynne Munson

Structural Design Features for Effective Wit & Wisdom® Preparation

Most educators graduate from teacher preparation programs ready to plan their lessons but not to internalize curriculum. When a school or district...

Prioritized Instruction for the 2021–2022 Academic Year

Prioritized Instruction for the 2021–2022 Academic Year: A Position Paper from the Great Minds® Humanities Team At Great Minds, we believe all...

Planning and Preparing for Lessons

As we dive into a new school year, now is a good time to focus on the two “Ps” that can help new implementers begin their journey with PhD Science®...

Why Parents Will Want Eureka Math

5 RESOURCES TO HELP EDUCATORS GIVE PARENTS EUREKA MOMENTS We recognize the importance of supporting parents during Eureka Math implementation. After...

Top Back-to-school Blogs

The beginning of any school year can be nerve-wracking, especially with a new math curriculum. The following 5 blogs written by Eureka Math...

Preparing for the School Year with the Teacher Resource Pack

Just like each student has a backpack full of supplies to help them succeed, you as an educator have the same. As you prepare for your new students...

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