
Tsianina Tovar

Tsianina Tovar is an EL instructional coach for Grades K–12. She is a National Board-Certified Teacher with 25 years of teaching experience in ESL K–12 and Spanish K–12.

Tsianina Tovar

Choreographing Instructional Routines with Multilingual Learners in Mind

When I walk into a Wit & Wisdom® classroom, I enter an exciting place where I see Word Walls and anchor charts. I see module questions and artifacts,...

Watering Up: Teaching Wit & Wisdom® to Emerging English Learners

In 2019, 5.1 million students—10.4 percent of students across the US—were formally identified as English learners (National Center for Education...

My “Lemonade Story”: Creating Access for Multilingual Learners

During my last year of teaching, my school was affected by budget cuts. As a result, I was the only ESL teacher remaining at my school, with an...

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